Managing yourself
If you've been reading my previous posts and have been helping people, you'd realize it's a lot harder than in sounds. This post is going to focus solely on one factor that can make helping people easier. Managing YOUrself.
Start with yourself. You are your biggest hurdle.
Every now and then, you need to reserve some 'me time' for yourself. What is 'me time'? For me, me time is about half an hour a day reserved solely for... me. No texts, no tweets, no talking to anyone, nothing. What do I do during 'me time' then? You think about your day, your week, your life. Here are some things you can do:
1) Pick out your problems
I usually start by picking out my problems, mistakes made and flaws. This might seem quite depressing but when I move on to the later points it'll make more sense :) Do note to be honest but not brutal with yourself. Say your flaws as they are. Never exaggerate your flaws. Here's an example: You cheated on your girlfriend. How it is: "You made a mistake by cheating, you must never do it again" How it is when exaggerated: "I'm a horrible person, I should chain myself under a rock and die".
Acknowledge that you make mistakes and learn from it.
2) Pick out your achievements
No matter how bad life gets, you're never a total failure. Even on your worst day, there's always a silver lining. Always a positive light. (Read the post on Fair ) Tell yourself your achievements, if you still aren't satisfied, repeat it to yourself. Positively affirm yourself.
3) Compare you with ... you
To me, there's really no point in comparing yourself to others. Instead compare yourself now, with what you aim to be. Personally, I would visualize myself in 10 yrs time, 3 yrs time 1 yrs time and finally 1 day's time. Set realistic goals for yourself and work to achieve them. Make yourself more positive and better everyday day.
After you've completed your 'me time' you should feel quite rejuvenated. Remember how you started off at the most negative point? The purpose of that was to ensure that no matter what you thought later on, it'll still be a positive improvement. By the third point you were being objective and ready to face the new day :)
Do drop a comment below or follow me on twitter: @toranseth and DM me :) Thanks viewers!
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