Friday, 22 February 2013



Most people advise on raising expectations...or maybe even increasing the number of different expectations. AND this is a way...

(Here comes my favourite part)


What if I told you that lowering expectations may sometimes be what you need to do in order to achieve more?
When we set a high goal for ourselves we sometimes forget to enjoy the journey to achieving that goal. Here's an example:

The other day I was reading a book (The Secret Olympian by Anon) and one of the early pages talks about the Olympic dream fallacy. Now to most people, qualifying and being able to participate in the Olympics should be an extremely joyous occasion. You might even celebrate as if you had just won the Olympics. This book however, interviews some Olympians and there's more of a sense of relief than actual celebration.A British Olympian was quoted in the book as saying: "There's such a long build up to the whole thing, but it's mostly relief and a sense of, that's done, now the next step."

Sometimes If we keep on aiming too high and falling short or if our goals seem to far away, we may stray off these aspirations and find something else for the short term. That's why setting lower expectations is essential to keeping you on track to your main aim.

So now, go and write down 3 Main Goals that you want to achieve. Different people have different aims. In school, do you want to finally enter a top university and get a Phd? At work, do you aim to be CEO one day? As an athlete, is it to win an Olympic Gold? For Christians, To become more Christ-like?
Then write by when you want to achieve this. 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Longer?

Next, write down your short term goals in order to achieve these Main Goals. Set about 5 to 10 short term goals to reach these Main Goals. Let me list out a 2 examples for each category to help you get started (if you're stuck):
Studies: Submit your next assignment on time. Get an A for your weakest subject.
Sports: Win your next competition. Qualify for a regional competition.
Work: Finish all your work for the day before lunch. Build a better rapport with fellow colleagues.
Being a Christian: Help out the next person you see who's in need.

I find the picture below helpful if you have trouble goal setting:

Yesterday, I was talking to a friend of mine and when I told him about lowering expectations, he thought I meant No expectations. There's a difference guys. You must have expectations. It's like the fuel of a car, expectations and goals keep you going. Lowering them helps you see the little successes better.

Basically, Lowering expectations is like having short term goals. Alot of people set many long term goals and tend to drift away from these targets as time passes. Some long term goals for athlete's are: I can win an Olympic Gold, I will be world number one, etc. Or if you're a student: I will go to a top university. I can get a Phd maybe 2, etc.

Set Short Term Goals today! Hope this post has helped you plan out a clearer path to YOUR success. Remember, only YOU can work to achieve YOUR goals, so get started today! Enjoy every bit of success you get as you work towards your Main Goal :)

Any feedback? Leave a comment below or follow me on twitter: @toranseth and DM me :) Help share this with people you know who are in need of help and Lift Them Higher Today!

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