Friday, 15 February 2013

Mr Taxi Man

Mr Taxi Man

A 'different' encounter

I always thought that these kind of scenarios only happened in movies. But today, I realized that motivators are everywhere...EVERYWHERE. I learnt 4 different kinds of life lessons today but I'm just going to share one for this post. Today, I'll be talking about my unexpected Taxi ride.

I don't often take a taxi, I don't usually go out to the part of Singapore I went today. In fact, it was my first time going there. (Why I don't say the place is because it's a little embarrassing that I've never been there :P) Ok so, I enter the cab and I tell the driver that I'm in a hurry. It was like one of those movies. He asks me which route I want. My reply? "The fastest one". 

Up till now you'll be thinking that I had an action packed ride like the one in the movie "A good day to Die Hard", but no. The thing that was so interesting about this ride, was the driver. 

Firstly, he looked like your average guy. Honestly speaking, if I had not talked to him or listened to him, I would not have taken a second look or remembered him. 2 lessons here: Take notice of everyone and what you say gets you noticed.
The Taxi Driver and I spoke about a few topics:

1) Necessities

He starts talking...and you know how Taxi Drivers talk ALOT... suddenly our topic goes on to money
Taxi Driver: "Woah, is that an iphone 5?"
Me: "No, it's a 4. I got this with my phone plan"
Taxi Driver: "Why not get the 5?"
Me: "As long as the phone can call and text. I'm fine with anything. I used to use one of those 7/11(convenience store) phones."
Taxi Driver: "You're a good boy. That's exactly what I tell my son. I hope my son thinks like that next time!"

2) Money

Now that the Taxi Driver and I are starting to have a good rapport we continue our conversation.
Taxi Driver: "I tell my son that saving is important but..."
Me: "But sometimes when you need to spend, you need to spend. There's no point saving and being stingy and not enjoying what you have."

The Taxi Driver paused. It was a pretty long pause. I was surprised I said that too! When he finally responded he said: "That's what I wanted to say."

I'm not encouraging or promoting this mentality towards life. Saving is very important too, but so is spending. If we all saved and never spent, how do businesses earn? People who know me and have gone out with me, know that I spend on things like food and transport quite easily, but I definitely am thrifty on every other aspect of life and that's how I always have savings for a 'rainy day'. 

Now, that's not the morale part yet. The next point is the important one...

3) Life

The Taxi Driver goes on to change the topic. He changed the topic so suddenly that I felt it wasn't him saying it. I felt it was as if God wanted to tell me this message.
Taxi Driver: "In life, I believe in this: Even in the worst situation, see it as a good thing."
Me: "Be positive"
But here's what was surprising, he didn't reply me...instead he changed the topic back to saving money and how we were reaching the place already. 
It was so sudden. Life's wonders.

So today, I hope you NOT ONLY take note of the 3 points but also see how everyday conversations can teach you so much. How building rapport with people in any situation is helpful and beneficial for you! That Taxi ride was probably only 15 minutes. But I learnt so much more about life skills in that 15 minutes than what I learn in a classroom.

Today, the Taxi Driver Lifted Me Higher and I hope by sharing this experience I managed to Lift You Higher :)

Any Feedback? Leave a comment below OR follow me on twitter @toranseth :) Thanks viewers! 

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