Don't worry readers! I'm not in pain, in fact I feel quite in shape ;) haha ok just kidding, if you read my earlier posts you'll know I'm a small guy (a 'stick'). Ok so what's with today's title? Well I got an idea for this post from a tweet I saw yesterday:
"Pain is easier to deal with when you understand"
Most of us will go through a slump in life at least once. In fact, some of us may have a slump almost daily. USUALLY, we get out of this slump...somehow. But lets face it, there are problems that just cling on to us, eat at us bit by bit, and we just can't get rid of it. Irritating problems. Wouldn't life be so much better without them?
Wow, if that happens, I won't need to blog any more long posts! My posts will just be: "Enjoy this great carefree world today!" Unfortunately, problems, be it with or without other people involved, do happen to us, so hopefully the remaining bit of this post helps you :)
Every Problem has a just need to understand it
Have you ever been stuck? You just can't move on, in fact the more you try to progress you get pulled back more. Like quicksand! But of course I mean stuck by a problem. The best way to 'free' yourself from these 'chains' that hold you back is finding the root cause of the problem and understanding it fully. Here's a scenerio:As an athlete there was a period of time when I just could not improve. In fact, based on my scores, I was dropping, bit by bit, lower and lower. I even reached a point where my friend asked me when I was going to quit. I wasn't lazy, I trained almost everyday and pushed myself every time. But I never found the root cause of the problem. I was going around in circles. Improving one step and falling back two steps!
Now I'm doing okay I guess, I managed to get out of that cycle! How? I found the problem. I was working on the wrong things, I wasn't working on the things that were pulling me down.
Note: The problem usually lies within YOUrself, so look inwards to find the issue and solve it rather than blaming those around you.
If you want to do well you MUST work on your flaws. You feel you don't have flaws? Then work on perfecting your strengths. (but everyone has flaws yeah :) )
Every Problem has a Solution
After you've found the root of the problem, solving it should be a piece of cake (it should be easy). Just focus on the root cause and remove it. It's like a tumour, get rid of that thing, no point holding on to it, it's just going to destroy you as a whole.I understand that sometimes it's hard to let go. I hold on to alot of things too, alot of habits, people I shouldn't even bother talking to, etc...
Bit by bit I work on it, I either 1) Remove it or 2) Make it something positive
The remove it part is quite easy to understand so i'll go straight into the second one:
2) Make it something positive
Remember, I said problems are 'like a tumour', it isn't exactly the same. You can change certain things for the better. How? You change YOUR point of view towards that thing or person. Usually there's no point changing that thing or person. It's not going to work easily, there'll be hesitation. It's MUCH easier to just work on yourself. Try it out and see how it goes and remember, God always has a plan for you :)
Finally, always face each day with this mentality (see picture below) :
Hope you resolve whatever pain or troubles that you may have! Remember: If life get's too tough, take a step back and have some "me time"! what is "me time" ? check out the previous few posts :)
In my next post, I'll more in depth about 'flaws' and the different views you can have towards it. Remember, we have to stay open minded, no view is more right than another. It's just which outcome you want for yourself :)
Thanks viewers! Stay awesome yeah!
Any feedback? Do leave a comment below OR follow me on twitter @toranseth and DM me :) Always Lifting You Higher