Before I get into today's post just a couple of things to note about this blog:
1) I admit it! I can't blog as often as before :( but I'll still keep posting regularly so stay tuned! If I'm gone for too long (more than a week) then do drop me a tweet or a comment to see how i'm pulling through with life! Getting busier by the day yeah :/
2) Yes I do plan my posts. if you've been reading faithfully (i know most of you have), then you'd most likely have seeen how this blog moves from self help to helping others and this cycle repeats itself. But for TODAY I shall break out of the series that I had plan and move on to a reader's request.
Today, I'll be answering a reader's request. Ohoh and if any of you guys have a request, or want me to write about something, do drop a comment below or DM on twitter or you can text me (if you know my number). that situation again (i'm gonna write in a guys perspective, girls just swap the male and female parts)
There she is across the room. She's probably just any other girl you've met before. You go up to her, a conversation starts (so far so good) You follow what you've been reading from a blog (this one ;) ) and everything goes as smoothly as expected. She tells you she likes talking to you, you secretly feel the same. Being smooth with the ladies, you do everything right, everything perfect...Now here's the problem that I was asked to write about "She's stuck in my head, how do I get her out?"
Personally, I used to have someone stuck in my head too! (metaphorically of course) Ya, this girl, I really liked her. Talked to her everyday. That's an achievement since I usually have problems maintaining long conversations with people. (yes I have my flaws, I like keeping my conversations short) So how did I get her out? I'm gonna give a set of very realistic answers, life ain't a fairy tale, there's no easy way out. BUT there's definitely a way.
1) Focus
At any point in time, we can be having many thoughts racing throgh our head. If we put our thoughts on a canvas, we'd get something more abstract than abstract art. Have you seen the painting Guernica? Yeah, more abstract than that. But the strange thing is, we can only focus on one thing at a time. And I find this absolutely amazing! Let's say you want to do your work, and you keep missing someone, you won't be able to do your work. Not one bit. But let's see it from another perspective. What if you keep thinking about someone, but you keep having work and things to preoccupy yourself? You won't have as much time to think about that person.
Imagine your mind being messier than this! (btw this is a pic of Guernica)
2) You don't
You don't have to totally remove someone from your thoughts just because it's distracting you. In my previous point, I mentioned on focus, now I'd like to talk about how you can still think about that special someone. As I always say, Time Management. You've got to organise your time. Leave a period of time (half an hour?) at the end of each day to think about that special someone. Doing this will not only help you stay sane, but it'll also help improve the quality of thoughts. If you keep thinking about someone, eventually, it's gonna start leaving you irritated and you can't focus on the things you plan to do. Whereas, if you leave some time at the end of each day to think, the thoughts you have will be more special. You can spend time to think through clearly. You can enjoy the thoughts. And that's what you'd rather have right? So don't push these thoughts away! Keep them for that special time of the day :)3) Time
Time does wonders. You'd eventually run out of things to think about. Let's face it, if you follow the scenerio I gave at the start and everything outside your head is going fine and you and the girl like each other. Then eventually, worrying or wondering or imagining about the person would be useless. Since you'd already know that person very well. They become like family, They're always there in your mind, somewhere, but they don't affect you from your daily routine. (In fact, they may even become pary of your routine! ;) )So don't stress out kay? If you're in this situation, like what the reader who asked me to write this post is in, I hope this post gives you an idea on what to do! Stay Focus and don't get Stuck! "Life has its many challenges, that's what makes it worth living."
Drop me a comment below! OR follow me on twitter: @toranseth and DM me :) Always Lifting You Higher
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