Saturday, 23 March 2013



Here's a story I heard some time ago... 

Once there were 2 tribes. Tribe A and Tribe B. (Sorry for my lack of creativity :P ) Anyways, Tribe A and Tribe B were supposed to meet to have a formal gathering. Everything seemed fine except for one thing. You see, Tribe A is into this habit of going to formal gatherings...well...naked. That's right NAKED. No clothes. No thread. Nothing. It's their culture and way of life. And with Tribe B, you have the total opposite. Tribe B is more urbanized and everyone wears formal clothes (coat and tie) during a formal gathering. So imagine the planning needed when these two meet.
Think about it.
If you were Tribe B, and you were going to have a formal gathering, and all your guests come NAKED. For those sneaky kids who are reading this, no not everyone in the tribe is hot, so no eye candy there ;) BUT seriously, how would you feel? Awkward? Offended? 
And what about if you were Tribe A? Why change your customs and practices just for someone else? Shouldn't you be comfortable in whatever you're in? Have confidence in yourself?

Well, this isn't a matter of confidence. No, that's a topic for another day. This is a topic on respect, Respecting Others. 

Have you ever talked to an older person before? Do you realize, that sometimes you just have to have that little bit more patience when talking to them? It's not that they need your pity of anything. It's just that different people have different ways of doing things. Old people may speak slower, Parents may be long-winded or like what most youths would say 'naggy'. But you can't go around snapping or getting mad at them, basic respect to listen and wait :) I'm young too. I'm 17 this year! Not I know how fast-paced and stressful life can get! But sometimes we need to remember to respect those around us and have some consideration towards them.

Here's how the tribe story continues...
Tribe A decides to respect their hosts and dress up for the occasion. They wore the suits, the ties, the dresses, the high heels! They wore Everything needed for a formal occasion. Even I thought wearing only socks would be an improvement for them! Anyways, they head to Tribe B's village and when they met the Tribe's people, both Tribes stood in awe of each other...for infront of the now smartly dressed Tribe A...

Were the stark naked Tribe B.

Hope you can see the respect and consideration shown by the 2 Tribes towards each other! Tribe A respected how Tribe B dressed formally. While Tribe B, on their own initiative, respected Tribe A's customs and did not want the situation to be awkward.

Respect the people around you today! :)

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