Saturday, 30 March 2013



Part 3 of the 3 part series on Timing

Let's recap, we've talked about starting well, planning and moving in at the right timing. Then we talked on being consistent, getting the right timing every time. Now, we'll move on to the dirty bit ;) yeah...the bit that's realistic to most of us. When do we GIVE UP?

I seldom use those two words together "Give" and "Up". It's so demoralizing! So let's just use the word STOP. When do we stop?

Some times we try and try again and just keep trying and pushing on over the same thing. And the result is the same, we fail. I'm not telling you that you should give up on your goals! No no. Your goals stay the same. Just give up on the method that you've been doing.

Albert Einstein once said the definition of Insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Doesn't that sound like some of us? We already know that doing homework at the last minute is going to get us bad grades, but time and again, we find ourselves doing homework at the last minute, hoping to do well. Okay maybe not all of us wants to do well, but you get the point. CHANGE YOUR METHODS. But stay in the game. 

As an athlete, I don't just watch my own sport. I like watching other athletes do their sports too, whatever it may be, swimming, running, basketball, etc. By watching sportsmen do their thing, we can see a common trait among the best athletes. They never give up on their goals. One of my favourite shooters once said, "Fallen, stepped back, bowed down. But not giving up". He defines what most sportsmen do. Not every competition is a full success, there'll usually if not always, be something to work on. So what are you going to do? Bow down and take a step back and then push on? Or Give up on your dreams totally?    

Never give up on your ultimate goal. Till the day you pass on, keep working on it, finding new ways and methods to reach that goal. Never Give Up. When everything seems to be going wrong, STOP. Take a step back, rethink a NEW plan and try again :)

There's this song by Pink, "try" and I'll end off with a quote from the song:

"Where there is desire

There is gonna be a flame
Where there is a flame
Someone's bound to get burned
But just because it burns
Doesn't mean you're gonna die
You've gotta get up and try, and try, and try
Gotta get up and try, and try, and try
You gotta get up and try, and try, and try"

Thanks for reading! I hope this 3 part series on Timing helps you better work towards your goals! Always Lifting You Higher!

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