Monday, 21 January 2013

Motivation in more than one perspective

Another Perspective

Hello again!
I got the idea for this post from a close friend of mine! He reminded me of how motivation can come from more than just our earthly perspectives and that's why this post will be dedicated to sharing motivation from the perspective of a Child of God.

There are definitely times when we face problems and we can't solve them (and i'm not just talking about homework) and sometimes when you turn to someone for help (refer to my previous posts if you're lost here), they may also not know how to help you.

This has really happened to me before! (Here comes the story)
I think I can label this story under "one of the reasons why I was motivated to create this blog", here goes:
After one of my best friend and I decided that we should just be normal friends (yeah I thought this only happened to couples too), I started to try to rebuild my life from scratch. I assure you, it is difficult, memories do form the foundation to how you view someone. So I went by each day, keeping myself busy, trying to get my mind off things, and it worked!.....for awhile.

So whenever there was a little 'blank' time to the day, I would just sit there or lie there and wonder...BUT I do what I preach, so I turned to people for help, close friends, cousins, yeah. STILL however, I was still an empty shell just rotting away inside.

So what in the world happened that turned me into this happy state that I can now freely try to inspire people's lives? I turned to God. Yeah I know, I sound like those people who turn to religion in times of desperation and when all hope is lost. Well I admit, for the past few years of my life (As a Student and Athlete) I did do that. I would humble down only after being humbled. But after I was shown how I should lead my life instead, after this 'best friend incident'. I've decided to turn to God, Permanently. Like what my primary school friend once told me "In good times we praise Him, in bad times we praise Him"(yes I used to think he was crazy, used too).

Some of you viewers may be thinking about how I 'hit the wall' so many times before I finally realised what is good for me, and it's true. That is why I made this post (and this blog in general), to share my experiences, to inspire others, to lift YOU higher. (each and every one of you) I don't want people to make the same mistakes as I did, let you wait until what you cherish and worked hard for crumbles right in front of you? NO WAY! If you're reading this and you want to make a change in your life, DO IT. Start thinking positive, and once you've changed yourself, INSPIRE those around you.

My parting words from this post:

Feel free to leave any comments, DM on twitter @toranseth or send me a text :)

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