Tuesday, 22 January 2013



I was quite taken aback myself when I saw the title of this blog (yeah you got that right, shocked by my own blog!) I'm supposed to be writing a motivational blog and what comes to my mind at a time like this? Mistakes.

The paragraph I wrote above ^, yeah that's how most people see mistakes, negative. Can't blame anyone for that perception, from young we're thought that mistakes are bad, sure we make mistakes but try to make as few as possible......what if I told you there's another way to view mistakes? Want to know? read more :)

A friend sent me this picture during the New Years, after reading the first line I began to wonder if this person was really my friend. After reading the rest, I knew, this person isn't just a friend, this person is a true friend (guiding me through and lifting me higher).
So mistakes don't seem so bad anymore right? I mean people actually hope I make mistakes! and I'm not even angry about it! Amazing? I think yes.

Making mistakes however, does not mean you do the same wrong thing over and over again. (WAIT WHAT?? didn't I just say that making mistakes is good?) Here's another pic which will explain:
Understand now? The keyword there is NEW.
But here's the big question. Why? Why bother making mistakes when you can just do everything right?
Well, because in life there are certain decisions which you have to make, which you won't know if it's going to be successful. An example is the story in one of my earlier posts of the girl I asked out.(Read if you haven't) If I didn't risk making a 'mistake', I wouldn't have known the answer. So no regrets there :)

That's right guys and girls out there reading this, keep TRYING, keep MAKING mistakes, keep LEARNING from your mistakes...because eventually, you're going to be successful. Be it that 'big' success you hope for like being a millionaire or getting top grades or being a World Champion or the 'little' successes like self satisfaction or making someone's day or enjoying the process, a success is still a success. So embrace it and try. Because you'll never know until you try :)

Stay awesome and keep lifting people higher!

Anything to share? Follow me on twitter: @toranseth, leave a comment or drop me a text :)

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