I was watching a video recently, which really touched me. Even though I did expect the ending, I was touched when it actually did happen. Why? I'll leave the link of the video here (so you can see it too) :
Video: Auto Driver
From the video, we could learn a few things:
1) Don't Jump to conclusions
This is probably the most obvious theme of the video and also the part that had the most impact. There's a Chinese phrase: 知人知面不知心,画虎画皮难画骨。
Basically, it literally means that it's easy to know a person and know how they look like, but it is harder to know their character. The second part of the phrase reiterates this point, it says: you can draw a tiger, draw its skin (outer appearance), but it is difficult to draw it's skeleton.
It's so easy for us to judge someone based on their outer appearance. I personally admit to stereotyping people at times. But over the years, I've learnt to control myself. Imagine how many quality friends I would've missed out on if I just go by appearance. I sit next to this guy in class. He honestly does look a bit like a gangster. But he's a really good friend and he knows how to treat people. Get to know someone first before marking them down.
2) The easy way
Did anyone notice the beggar who went up to the car at first? The one who walked with a limp. Look carefully at his upper body, not really disabled right? Compare him to the cab driver, who's more disabled? That's right the cab driver. But let's think about it. Why didn't the cab driver help his fellow handicap? This is what I think the reason is: The first handicap has taken the easy way out by begging instead of using whatever abilities he has left to work for his money. This is a dangerous mindset to have. Many times, we tend to look for the easy way out. So much so that we lose our self respect. We look for a quick-fix and we don't even care. Life is about facing the challenges straight up. Don't always look for the easy way. Sure, you'll progress, but what do you learn? What do you gain? just another shortcut.
3) Self control (Through positive mindset)
Also, didn't you find it ironic that the passenger said: "If we were in this position, then only we would have understood". Why didn't the driver react after being wronged? why wasn't he angry or sad? In life there are 3 options when someone says something hurtful to us. The first, we can be angry. Rage at them. Give it to them straight up. But what's the point? That just creates more trouble. The second is being all depressed. Again, what's the point of feeling disappointed in yourself when it isn't your fault?
So what should we do? Here's the third reaction, seeing it positively. Turn your anger or self pity into your strength. Something that will let you clench your teeth and push on, persevere. It's this positive mentality which will keep you in check. Control your life. How do you expect to drive yourself to success without control?
I hope this post has been insightful! Let's give people a chance to show who they are before we start judging them! Remember to stay positive and persevere in all you attempt in the coming week!:)
On a side note, I've decided to post less, maybe once or twice a week? Quality posts are better than quantity :) AND it's perfectly fine to reread posts! Especially the ones that inspire you the most! :) Also, do send me requests if you have any. I'll try my best to write something to help you :) (and yes I keep all my readers annonymous unless they want to be known) Stay Lifted readers! :)
Always Lifting You Higher
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