Friday, 26 April 2013



Hi there! It's been a week since I last posted, hope everyone's been doing great! In the past week, there were council elections in school. So there was all the HYPE all the campaigning all the voting all the celebration and excitement and craziness and all of those happy stuff. Now thinking back, I've met more people in the past week of school then in the past month. That's how much people wanted votes. But like in all nominations, there were the surprises. People with like armies of supporters didn't get in. Now let's take a moment to think through this.

You have supporters who'll definitely vote for you. You do a decent campaigning....and you still don't get in. How would you feel? pretty shitty right? For someone who's used to coming back up and doing well, this is just a minor setback. but for those who have been successful over and over again, this would be quite a shocking thing. Maybe even the beginning of multiple setbacks.  

For those readers who are wondering, no I didn't run for council. Haha I'm really too busy, shooting, studying, chairman of a sport and of course blogging. Tiring. But still motivated and surviving well :) But this post is not meant for me, this post is meant for all those out there who have just saw a definite success fall apart. In other words, you just failed.

CONGRATULATIONS you just gained an experience in life most people might have missed! You should be happy with this 'failure'. A life of pure success without failure is just unrealistic. Sure it sounds nice, but having a setback once in awhile will do you wonders. I'm going to break down the benefits of 'failure' into 3 points. (I personally don't see the experience as 'failure', but let's just call it that first)

1) You're still human

If you've been having a long run of success and suddenly meet with a failure, it may be about time you took a step back and look at your life as a whole. (Read one of my previous posts "my failure" to get a better insight to this part) EVERYONE meets with an exaperience like this one point or another in life. That's for sure. The best way to get back on track is to look at the situation, find the problem, get the right solution. USE THE SOLUTION AND MOVE ON. Alot of us over analyse the problem and get stuck in a vicous downward spiral. Pull yourself out of that hole and progress to success!

2) Spring effect

Ever pushed a spring downwards before? what happens after that? That's right, it bounces back up. Like with that "Boing" sound! In the same way, that should be how we face dissapointment or things that get you down. They suppress you, try to control you. But after awhile, they'll get tired. And this is when all your stored up energy and motivation pushes yourself upwards, further than you've ever been before :)

3) Runner up's mentality

Being placed behind in the order of things is always an interesting experience. You have a choice. You can choose to just relax and move when the person infront of you moves. OR you can try to catch up and overtake whoever's ahead of you. It's all about how you think and what you're going to do about it. Are you going to give up or keep going? :)


For all those who managed to get into council, good job! Have a great year ahead serving the school and may you guys stay Blessed. For those who almost made it, don't let this experience become a setback! Turn it into a source of motivation for you to become a better and more successful person! :) Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Always Lifting You Higher!

Any queries, feedbacks or comments? Leave a comment below or you can
Follow me on twitter: @toranseth (i'll follow back)
Instagram: @sethtoran (for motivational quotes to get you through the day)

Thanks readers! :)

Friday, 19 April 2013

3 Idiots

Three Idiots

I really have to thank my friend Hazel for recommending this movie to me. It's a really REALLY good movie to watch. It's in Hindi but there are subtitles and it's adventurous, touching and most importantly funny. :) Usually movies which have all these factors have a really messy plot, or a plot which doesn't seem realistic. This movie however, has a really touching plot and it makes sense! Everything is well explained and you're not left wondering for too long, just long enough for you to keep watching! :) So if you really want to watch a movie at home do catch: 3 Idiots.

I won't be a spoiler by talking about the story or anything. Just going to bring out a few key points that I learnt. Yes, the movie has some life morals in it too :)

Some things I learnt from the movie:

Don't chase success, Let success chase you

I've read so many motivational books saying: "Life is a race" and if you don't run fast enough, you'd get trampled upon. Really? So you're going to conform to society's rat race? Yes I admit, I'm part of this race, always working to get good grades, good scores, another medal, another pay check, whatever. But I always ensure one thing when i'm doing what I do. I enjoy it. 

I enjoy what I do. Take shooting for example. If I didn't enjoy it, I would've quit years ago. I mean, shooting doesn't benefit your body like other sports! You don't become muscular or more fit. Contrary to popular belief, you don't get miraculous eye sight. But I enjoy it, there's that passion in every shot. Every time I lift that gun, the belief flows through me, that says: "You can do this".

There was a brief period of time when I strayed away from this self belief. I was winning competitions and I started to chase success instead of excellence. There's a difference. Chasing success is just wanting to achieve that end glory and you'd do anything to get it. An example is how a lot of students these days just keep memorizing facts and they don't bother actually learning and understanding what they're reading!

So you there! Yes YOU! What have you been doing with your life? Just chasing after success? That's like trying to satisfy your hunger by swallowing your saliva. It ain't gonna work. Make a change! Work on enjoying your process, ENJOY THE JOURNEY TO SUCCESS, PURSUE EXCELLENCE

All is well 

Recently, I uploaded a picture on instagram which talked about Peace. Here's the pic:

When life gets hectic, when things don't go according to plan, when you're just so busy that breathing seems like a chore...tell your heart: "All is well".

There is no better state of mind to do things effectively than a calm one. The best part is, when you have a calm mind, you can think clearly and you'll be able to do things more efficiently and enjoy yourself more!

So all my readers! Yes you there, (even if you're just sitting behind your computer dozing off!!!) Tell yourself: "ALL IS WELL"! Even if it's a whisper, it'll work! :) 


In the movie, these '3 idiots' aren't stupid people their 3 really good friends, who'll do absolutely crazy things for each other. Do you have a group of 'idiots' in your life? You don't need many, just a few. Who'll be there by you. Who'll be like a bro/sis and stick by you in your times of trouble and help you become a better person! It's really hard finding these kind of friends. Readers have asked me on "how to make friends" or "how to enter a clique", and yes, i admit, it isn't easy. Always remember this: If you want REAL friends, don't close up to people immediately. Talk to people, meet people, find out what they're like. A simple smile or a "hi" can start a conversation. Try it. Also, be honest. No point being 2 faced to people and expect them to be honest with you. Be yourself. Your REAL friends will like YOU for who YOU are :) and if there's anything that needs improving, they won't push you away or let you suffer alone. They'll work together with you to make YOU a better person :)

I hope this post helps! But the thing that will help you most is to watch that movie (3 idiots) yourself :) That way, you can be inspired and motivated the way I was! :) And you never know, you may learn something more! 
Ok as usual, I coloured the important bits too! 

Have a new insight? Leave a comment below! Follow me on twitter: @toranseth and on instagram: @sethtoran 

Always Lifting You Higher

Friday, 12 April 2013

My Failure

My Failure

I decided to bring out my failures in the past week... After thinking through, I felt the my failures should help those who stumble along the same path to have an easier time and maybe even find a more successful way :)

I always thought that if someone worked hard enough, long enough, success would be just a stone's throw away...I was wrong.

This week has been quite an intense one for me... Let's start with the athlete's perspective:

I've never EVER been more prepared for a competition than I was for this year's inter-school nationals. In fact, getting a medal should have been a walk in the park. I shot the silver medal score in January and the bronze medal score just last month, so I definitely didn't expect to crash to 9th. What's worse was the score I shot. Personally, I don't think I need to train to hit that score, but there it was. Shoot gold medal scores in training and on the big day, shoot a score that the 3 years ago me would have laughed at. As i said in the previous post, no excuses. I thought through what went wrong and I'm gonna get back to training soon for next weeks National Championships. What's funny is that I don't feel so stress anymore...nothing to lose? maybe... I'm still trying to find my way :)
*Anyways, i'm sorry to all those who wished me all the best and those who were expecting more. I'm not even gonna say "better luck next year". No. Just gonna work hard quietly. Thank you for being there :) *

So that was my athlete story...what can be learnt from a failed athlete? I mean, have you seen a book in the store saying "Tales from the failed athlete?" not yet...maybe one day someone should write one. Personally, I feel there's a lot to learn from failure.

Failure point 1: Get your fundamentals right

Unknown to many, I have horrible fundamentals in shooting. Yes, I too know that I won most of my medals when I was younger. But my fundamentals are really bad. And that's what's costing me most now. Sure, now I'm rather technically skilled and I can shoot tens frequently(except when it matters most, as show in the story above). I've spent years working on correcting my fundamentals, which kids take maybe weeks to master. Why? it's hard unteaching and then teaching something. Don't believe me? Try this: your whole life, you have the habit of writing with your master hand (right hand for me). Now I tell you to start using your other hand and still get the maintain the same neatness in your writing. That's what I had to go through for the past few years. Yes, there were moments of brilliance which I'll cherish, but its the struggles that i'll never forget. The weeks and months of going through fundamental training, and still trying to be one of the best. 

But here's the big question. Why didn't I work on my fundamentals when I first started? I was young, naive. I couldn't tell the difference between good and bad techniques. I had no say.
So kids or anyone out there starting out on something new, remember this: Master the right fundamentals, because in the long run, that's what matters most  

Next, I'll talk about my week as a student:

I got back my physics test results today and for the first time in my life, I failed physics. I honestly didn't really react to it due to my nationals result. But now thinking back...gosh...I've failed twice this week already! and these are just the notable failures! What to do What to do...

Failure point 2: The past. the present, the future... 3 Different moments

Don't worry, I know what to do. Like what an Olympian once said to me: "Why are you still sad about the past? It's over, move on." It's true. I was a champion. I failed. I still can still feel like a champion. How? Work like one. Get back that mental drive that drove me to success the first time. This is what I'm going to do: Study harder for my subjects, GET HELP. Yes, there's no room for pride. When you need help, ask for it. I'll also manage my time a bit more differently. More efficiently. #resolute

This is what anyone and everyone out there facing a slump should take note of: Remember what made you great, you can do it again. YES YOU CAN.
and if you're facing failure or a setback just remember: You were something in the past. But that's just a memory. What you want to be now is what defines you. Your success in the future only can get started from the work you do in the present.

Well, that's all there is from me today! I coloured the really important sentences. Always Lifting You Higher :)

Have any failures or ideas to share? Leave me a message, DM me on twitter (@toranseth) and you can also follow me on instagram (@sethtoran). I'll follow back :)

Sunday, 7 April 2013



I was watching a video recently, which really touched me. Even though I did expect the ending, I was touched when it actually did happen. Why? I'll leave the link of the video here (so you can see it too) :

Video: Auto Driver

From the video, we could learn a few things:

1) Don't Jump to conclusions

This is probably the most obvious theme of the video and also the part that had the most impact. There's a Chinese phrase: 知人知面不知心,画虎画皮难画骨。
Basically, it literally means that it's easy to know a person and know how they look like, but it is harder to know their character. The second part of the phrase reiterates this point, it says: you can draw a tiger, draw its skin (outer appearance), but it is difficult to draw it's skeleton. 
It's so easy for us to judge someone based on their outer appearance. I personally admit to stereotyping people at times. But over the years, I've learnt to control myself. Imagine how many quality friends I would've missed out on if I just go by appearance. I sit next to this guy in class. He honestly does look a bit like a gangster. But he's a really good friend and he knows how to treat people. Get to know someone first before marking them down.  

2) The easy way

Did anyone notice the beggar who went up to the car at first? The one who walked with a limp. Look carefully at his upper body, not really disabled right? Compare him to the cab driver, who's more disabled? That's right the cab driver. But let's think about it. Why didn't the cab driver help his fellow handicap? This is what I think the reason is: The first handicap has taken the easy way out by begging instead of using whatever abilities he has left to work for his money. This is a dangerous mindset to have. Many times, we tend to look for the easy way out. So much so that we lose our self respect. We look for a quick-fix and we don't even care. Life is about facing the challenges straight up. Don't always look for the easy way. Sure, you'll progress, but what do you learn? What do you gain? just another shortcut.

3) Self control (Through positive mindset)

Also, didn't you find it ironic that the passenger said: "If we were in this position, then only we would have understood". Why didn't the driver react after being wronged? why wasn't he angry or sad? In life there are 3 options when someone says something hurtful to us. The first, we can be angry. Rage at them. Give it to them straight up. But what's the point? That just creates more trouble. The second is being all depressed. Again, what's the point of feeling disappointed in yourself when it isn't your fault? 
So what should we do? Here's the third reaction, seeing it positively. Turn your anger or self pity into your strength. Something that will let you clench your teeth and push on, persevere. It's this positive mentality which will keep you in check. Control your life. How do you expect to drive yourself to success without control?  

I hope this post has been insightful! Let's give people a chance to show who they are before we start judging them! Remember to stay positive and persevere in all you attempt in the coming week!:) 

On a side note, I've decided to post less, maybe once or twice a week? Quality posts are better than quantity :) AND it's perfectly fine to reread posts! Especially the ones that inspire you the most! :) Also, do send me requests if you have any. I'll try my best to write something to help you :) (and yes I keep all my readers annonymous unless they want to be known) Stay Lifted readers! :)
Always Lifting You Higher

Leave a comment below! OR
Follow me on twitter: @toranseth 
Follow me on instagram: @sethtoran

Wednesday, 3 April 2013



There's this phrase trending now in school! "Don't give Excuses"

It's quite true isn't it? We don't really have an excuse, like a LEGIT excuse, to get ourselves out of trouble. It may be a good excuse, but it's still an excuse. 

Last week, Pastor Jeremy came to my school to give a talk for Religious Emphasis Week. He spoke about excuses ad showed that really, there shouldn't be any excuses. SO NO EXCUSES! Here's something which happened to me the other day,
I was in school coaching (but mostly slacking) some of the younger shooters. Half way through their training while they were in the middle of a set, i went to meet someone. I was barely gone for 1 minutes. When i got back, what did I see? One boy shooting at another boys target. Someone eating while training. Numerous boys engaged in their own discussions about their girlfriends, boyfriends, gayfriends...whatever! But they weren't doing what they were supposed to do. They didn't obey. And I'm glad they just accepted the subsequent punishment sets without complaining. Because that's what we should do after we make a mistake. Accept it, Apologize, Move on. No excuses 

But didn't the above paragraph make them sound really bad in general? Like some ill-disciplined kids? Yes it does. But many of us fail to see that we are actually just like them. For those Christians reading this blog, do you really follow strictly to the 10 commandments? I know most of us have broken at least one. I'll just bring up one, "Honour thy father and thy mother". Now remember that time when you felt your parents were unreasonable (or they may really be unreasonable) and you argued with them? Is that honouring them? Think about it. 
And what's your excuse for breaking the laws? No excuses. Put in the effort TODAY!
Non-Christian? Ok, Athletes reading this. Your coach gave you a hard set to do. You didn't put in your 100% because you feel there's no point. What's your excuse? Didn't you want to achieve your goals? Even if you have talent, slacking will get you nowhere near where hard work and determination can bring you.
Non-Athlete too? Let's talk about the work place or in school. Didn't finish your latest assignment on time? "I was busy" "I had so many assignments to do already". NO EXCUSES. Prioritize. I've written about managing yourself before! You can do it! Refer to my previous posts if you need to! Help yourself achieve YOUR FULL POTENTIAL.

So remember. No Excuses. 
Food for thought: Do you want to build a House of failure? or a House of success?

Thanks for reading!

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Follow me on twitter: @toranseth
Instagram: @sethtoran