Tuesday, 17 September 2013



Hi all! :)

Been hard finding time to post much recently BUT if you've followed me on Instagram you'll see that there are motivational posts updated there frequently too :)

So for today's post let's just pause for awhile and think: "What have I been doing with my life recently?"

We often get caught up in our busy schedules, so much so that we inculcate a "do or die" mentality. It's every man for himself. If I could do something that benefits me why not do it? And today, in this post, I'm going to say that these thoughts have crossed each and every one of our minds at least once. Be it when you compete for something, or wanting to reach the next level in a game, or get a promotion, or take an exam...most of these activities require you to compete with other people. How often do we take time to stop and help those we are 'competing against'?

In fact, as I was planning today's post, I realized that the idea of helping your 'competitors', does sound really ABSURD. Each and everyone of us wants to achieve and be the best that we can be. And there's nothing wrong with that. Set a goal. Work hard. Fail. Learn. Improve. Work harder. Achieve your goal. That's usually the process we try to go through. (Note: there could be multiple failures) There is no "Look out for those around you" or "stop and consider helping the guy next to you up". No. When we set a goal, we are usually forward thinking. One goal, one aim, work directly towards it with no detours.

And I agree with the no detours part.

However, today I'm going to tell you that helping others or lifting someone up in this 'rat race' society is not a detour. In fact, it should be part of your straight, forward thinking goal.

If you're a frequent reader, you'll probably know by now that this blog aims to help uplift you and those around you. However, if you've been reading carefully, you'd notice that it also speaks alot about achieving success at the same time. Success and helping others should not be 2 separate entities. In fact, they should be along the same path, in the same direction of our individual growth.

But how often does that happen?

How many times have you actually thought about helping those around you as you drive yourself towards success? How many times have you bothered asking your friends if they need help? or helping a friend when they turn to you for help?

As you continue with this new week, take the opportunity to lift someone up, while still achieving success. Work as a team with people and look out for one another. Final year exams are coming for most students and it is understandable that we often get caught up with the stress and the heavy workload. Let us try, no not try. Let us DO something good for someone this week, add "Lift someone higher" to the process of achieving success. And I can tell you, helping someone along the way to success, will make the taste of your success all the more sweeter.

Always Lifting you higher! :)

Twitter: @toranseth
Instagram: @sethtoran