Right, so I'm doing a morning post and being the good growing boy I am, I was drinking a glass of milk while thinking of what to type for the blog. Then it hit me! (not the milk, an idea hit me) I heard a story once, about kindness and milk, and I hope today's post will help empower you to do that extra bit of kindness this weekend and the weeks ahead! :)
There was a boy who went door to door to sell goods. He was poor, and he sold these goods to help himself barely get by each day and to get through school. Times were hard and he had little faith in anything or anyone. One day, when he was going from door to door, he realized he had run out of money and had only a dime left. So being the street wise kid that he was, he decided to ask for a small meal at the next house.
But a boy will always be a boy, he loss his nerve when a beautiful young lady opened the door. So instead of asking for the much needed meal, he ended up asking for a glass of water.
However, as in all motivational stories, the lady was able to see that the boy was hungry and instead brought him a glass of milk. The boy drank it slowly, enjoying every sip of the milk. Then he asked the lady how much he owed her. The lady replied "nothing at all. Mother taught us never to accept pay for kindness". In return, the boy thanked her wholeheartedly. But that was not all, the boy went away from that house feeling re-energized and his faith in God and humanity was restored.
That's not the end of the story.
Several years later, Dr. Howard Kelly received a phone call that informed him of a middle aged lady who had been struck by a rare illness. Being one of the best doctors around he went down to see the patient. on his way there he looked through the patient's records and documents, when he saw where she was from he immediately rushed into the hospital room. When he saw the lady he told the nurse that he'll be giving special attention to this case.
After a long battle with the illness, the lady survived and was completely cured.
Then came the bill...
Moments before the bill arrived, Dr Howard Kelly had written something on the bill outside. the lady feared that the price of the bill would be so great that she would've needed to spend her entire life repaying the bill.
She opened the bill.
And on the bottom corner of the bill where the signature was supposed to be, there was a hand-written note saying:
"Paid in full with one glass of milk"
-Signed Dr Howard Kelly
I hope you guys liked the story! :) Just for those younger readers, Dr Howard Kelly is the poor boy all grown up and the middle aged lady was the beautiful young lady at the door. Also, it is true that a small act of kindness and humanity that you do today, may have an impact on your life years later without you even realizing!
So take a moment to perform an act of kindness on someone today! Make it a habit and life will definitely be more enjoyable! :)
Always Lifting You Higher!
Twitter: @toranseth
Instagram: @sethtoran
Leave a comment or message me (FB, email, tweet, DM, comment) if you have any requests or feedback! :)